Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kennedy Park Fundraiser

If you were not at the Kennedy Park playground equipment fundraiser event this past Saturday evening, then you missed yourself a good time! The money from the fundraiser will be going towards new playground equipment for Kennedy Park in Lewiston. The park equipment was deemed unsafe this summer and has since been removed from the park. The group "Project Neighborhood" did a great job bringing all the pieces together to help make this event happen. The group was lucky enough to have Tina Bailey, Ward 5 City Councilor, rally the other city councilors and the Mayor for their participation.

The event raising more than $300 dollars was a success! The pie-in-the-face booth with Mayor Larry Gilbert even brought in some big donations according to the SunJournal. Officer Tom Murphy even donated $20 for such a chance!

[Mayor Gilbert wipes his face with a towel provided by his water girl, Councilor Bailey]

Also on hand at the event were clowns entertaining children with balloon creations!

Local musicians performed for the event bringing children and adults together for good times and dancing!

[Pictured above: fan favorite, Denise Dill]

And for the thrill of the evening, Lewiston City Councilors and the Mayor all gathered to sing "The Moose Song"!

Project Neighborhood truly has done a great effort to bring about a feeling of neighborhood in Downtown Lewiston! Thank you everyone!!! Now, lets raise money!!!

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